Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Second u/s

Irony of all ironies: even though I KNOW when I ovulated and have been dating my pregnancy accordingly (6w6d today), today's u/s, CRL and heartrate measurement all date Li'l Cooter's age as 6w2d... which actually corresponds to my LMP date. So, according to Dr. McHottie, my new due date is August 3, instead of July 30. Dr. McH says he really doesn't know why there's a discrepancy, but that nothing about this process is exact; that even women who do IVF and know EXACTLY when their embryos are transferred, have discrepancies when they have dating u/s. The most likely scenario is that Cooter was a late implanter, but we'll never know.

Because I've had some issues-- namely, pains & cramps, spotting/hematoma, low progesterone, and Bubba Jr. being a bit smaller than expected, I'll see Dr. McHottie one more time, in two weeks, before he releases me to the ob-gyn. I know that it's a technicality, and that it's helpful in working the insurance company, but it's freaky as hell to look at my paperwork and see the words, "Threatened Abortion".

On a happier note, Tripp is 5.8mm, has a heartrate of 115 bpm (up from 102 last week), and is measuring 8w2d. As soon as I have a chance I'll get the pictures scanned and posted.

Last but not least, since I have no idea what I want to nickname this little one, I've just decided to call it whatever pops into my mind. So far, it's mostly southern nicknames, but who knows?


Anonymous said...

I still like Billy Joe Ken Bob. Then again: Omer, Zella, Buel, Elthon, Butch, Nema, Myrtle, Zilfa, Alcee, Ibee, Mahulda, Telitha, Jolene, Nada and Lovell come to mind from past family reunions.

battynurse said...

Bubba Jr. works. And what's a few days one way or another. Glad things are progressing well.

Me said...

Sounds like things are looking good. I am uber glad to hear that!

Dresden said...

loving the names.

but no Billie-Jean? Tammy? or Betty Sue??


Anonymous said...

What about Harry or Lessa? ;-)