Monday, December 17, 2007

Notes for readers!

I've been out of town on a family holiday trip, and it was marvelous. Upon my return, I knew I would immerse myself into another glorious holiday celebration for the entire weekend, and was looking forward to it like crazy. In the 12 hours or so between the two celebrations, I decided to glance briefly at my email, and really wished I hadn't: some self-righteous (yet cowardly, since it was anonymous) person had decided to leave a message of vitriol on my blog.

The main focus of the diatribe seemed to be because I mentioned massive drinking on Thanksgiving, the day before I knew I was pregnant. The big worry was about FAS, as said Commenter apparently works with young children who were born with FAS and FAE. The problem was, it wasn't just concern being aired; it was a vicious attack on me by someone who, once again, hasn't the balls to identify themselves or engage in discourse.

So to any and all who were wondering, I have one word for you: hyperbole. If you don't know what it means, then get a dictionary and learn something about language and writing.

And not that it's anyone's business, and I feel ashamed that I'm defending myself, but anyway--- if you actually know me, and/or have read my blog over time, you know my "drinking & partying" habits. Which, in effect, basically means I have 1-2 drinks, if any, at all events, and am then done. Because I am single, and always have to drive myself home. Which means I can't overindulge, because I always have to make sure I am safe to drive.

And speaking of being single, Commenter mentioned that, as well. It seems that because I am single and currently unemployed, not to mention being an obvious alcoholic, I am apparently unfit to become a parent. Well, I don't really feel like being literary and mature anymore, so I'm going to say FUCK OFF.

I am pregnant for the first time in my life, and am emotionally high-strung. If you are a stranger and don't have anything nice to say to me, then keep your fucking mouth shut. If you're a friend and have unkind things to say, then do it privately in a one-on-one situation, not in my "journal".

Either way, there will no longer be any anonymous comments allowed. All comments will be moderated. If nastiness continues, then I will disable comments entirely. My emotional state is easily shaken right now, and I just don't need this kind of bullshit right now.

Does Commenter actually think that I am not aware that this is not the most economically propitious time for me to be pregnant? Of course I know that; I don't need an anonymous slag pointing it out like some 19th century do-gooder trying to show the poor tenement women the errors off their ways.

I also know that the cycle that I became pregnant was the least likely cycle for success in ages... and yet it was the one that worked. All the cycles I did while employed, and using fancy doctors, and drugs, and expensive tests, none of them worked. But the time I decided was the last cycle, where nothing more intricate than a vaginal insemination occurred, and I got pregnant? I tend to really hate it when people put hints of "otherness" on everyday events, but part of me can't help but think that I was supposed to get pregnant when I did; that even if Something Bad happens, there's something I'm supposed to learn from this.

I don't know, I'm rambling again. Anyway, even though Commenter pissed me off for several hours, I had a fantastic week, both with friends and family. It's Christmas time, one of my favorite times of the year, and I'm enjoying it. It doesn't take money to share love.


Anonymous said...

Oh, honey! I'm so sorry someone said something shitty. I didn't even see it. :(
If it's any consolation I drank pretty much an entire BOTTLE of wine the very night before I took my first pregnancy test. Obviously, I did no permanent damage so those assholes can STFU as far as I'm concerned.

Also, the sensation of a little one squirming as my hubby says "like a wiggle worm" inside you will pay off in spades when it comes to the sacrifice of your emotional roller coaster now. Does that make any sense at all? Prolly not. I guess I'm trying to say - it will soon be worth it. ;)

R said...

AMEN!! So sorry you had to deal with such ignorance!!

Deb said...

That sucks that someone could only share harsh words instead of helpful ones. I agree with you... it does seem that this was your time.

Have a wonderful holiday season!

Amanda said...

So you were about 4 weeks (or less) pregnant and drank...So! The baby isn't even taking anything from you at that time! Come on people!

I'm sorry that someone was so nasty to you. I'm amazed at people's audacity sometimes. I hope you're not letting that person get under your skin anymore!

Anonymous said...

standing O!


Pepper said...

Don't let the schmuck get you down! Every reasonable person who reads your blog knows that you were just doing the hyperbole thing when talking about "partying." Besides, we're talking about a cocktail or two at, what, 13dpo? Come ON! Anyone who'd post such judgmental b.s. isn't worth your time or effort.

Glad you had a great weekend and that you're enjoying your pregnancy!

Me said...


I love those random annon comments. I think they find us through Google accidently, read that one post and then vomit offense onto the screen. At least I have to assume that by the apparent lack of overall knowledge of the blog that I typically see in those scenarios. (I got one from someone named "Mom4kids" on my "Anger Ball" post in which she used her profound insight to decree that I must be deeply unsatisfied with my life. I just laughed and thought "No shit Sherlock! What gave it away?!?"

I know this pg is like the worst timing in the world. But I'm also confident you'll figure it out.

P.S. My beverage graced my nostrils when I read "I don't really feel like being literary and mature". You go girl!

battynurse said...

I'm sorry someone did this to you on your blog. I hate that people think it's ok to go to someones blog and critisize them either openly or annonymously. If you don't like what you are reading then don't read it. I think that for this to have worked when it did means that this is when it was supposed to happen.

bleu said...

The twit obviously doesn't work with FAS and FAE kids or they would know what it is and that it is impossible to affect an embryo with alcohol at that early stage. It was a troll and I am sorry you had to be subjected to it.
When I was 5 weeks pregnant with Bliss I got put on bedrest due to progesterone and lost my job as a result. Don't worry about trolls. I am so thrilled for you, enjoy every moment.
To be honest I am just so happy you got pregnant because I was crushed at the thought of you ending the journey to becoming a mama. You will be a fantastic one!!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

It's too bad that the commenter remained annoymous. Too much of a wuss to stand behind his/her remarks.

You don't have to justify yourself or defend your actions to anyone here. This should be your safe place to express your feelings and if others choose to support you then that's all the better.

I'm sorry that you had this happen to you. Keep blogging...I enjoy your views on life!
