Saturday, December 08, 2007


Dinner= vanilla milkshake + BBQ pork rinds.

That even sounds nasty to me, but it sure was nice going down. Here's the thing, though: I didn't crave pork rinds with a shake. I wanted a shake AND I just happened to also want some pork rinds. I didn't want to choose, I wanted them both equally. I do believe this was my first instance of craving.

Now I understand that pickle-and-ice-cream legend. Eat up, baby; soak up the southerness! All I need now is a Moon-Pie, an RC cola, and a bag of Funyuns to send my unborn child right on the road to being nicknamed something like "Cooter" or "Bubba".


On an unrelated note: I have a super-nose now. I don't know if this is simply a side effect of quitting smoking, if it's because of the pregnancy, or if it's from both. But I am super-sensitive to the scent of cigarette smoke, and in a weird way: I like the smell of someone smoking, but the smell of them AFTER they've smoked is completely repellent.

As in, if I'm on a patio and someone is smoking, I find the scent of the smoke wafting on the breeze wonderful. But the moment the cigarette is put out, the person who was smoking suddenly smells like they rubbed a dirty ashtray all over themselves, and it's very icky to me. Weird.


bleu said...

Super nose, or "police dog nose" is absolutely a part of pregnancy. It is your true instincts telling you to stay away from anything that could hard the baby. It will grow and grow, the wafting in the breeze smoke will become repulsive too. You will be able to tell if meat or fish is ok or not much more than any fisherman or butcher, it is really an amazing part of pregnancy and our biology.
Cravings are the same way. Meat salt and dairy sounds like protein and mineral cravings.
I remember craving salmon and avocado's which is an omega fatty acid craving.

Congrats, I am so enjoying reading your journey thus far.

Anonymous said...

Cooter or Bubba? I was thinking more like...Billy Joe Ken Bob. Whaddya think? :-)