Sunday, January 13, 2008

1 day post m/c

My unborn baby died. That's the first time I've been able to express that without euphemisms. I still can't say it out loud, but I can type it. I don't know why I can't say it. I can say he's gone, I can say I miscarried, but I can't say he died.

I had great beta numbers. I'd seen a heartbeat. I'd seen the progress from a fetal pole to an identifiable human-like body. I saw that little body moving on a screen. This wasn't supposed to happen.

I wasn't supposed to pace the floor, breathing through cramps, for another 6 months. It wasn't time for me to have to reach between my legs and catch what came out of me. To have strawberry-sized clots coming out of my body, blood alternately gushing and dripping constantly like a leaky faucet. (Isn't it messed up, the way everything to do with pregnancy is compared to the size of fruit?) To get to have the maternity pads to soak up the blood.

I had my first "big-girl" ultrasound (abdominal rather than transvaginal) while they were checking to see if my uterus was retaining any products of conception. I almost asked the doctor if he thought Juniper had been crocheting in there or something, and had left behind a scarf. What an effed up term, "products of conception".

Although I'd already passed the "POC" before I had my u/s, it was clear that Juniper had already died long before even the spotting started. My beta was only 3,535, which is nowhere near the levels it should have been for me being 11w3d. Juniper had died sometime in the 3 weeks since my last u/s, and I'd been walking around with deadbaby inside me.

Except for a couple of incidents, I have been eerily (and I know unnaturally) calm. I know this for the coping mechanism that it is. When I'm ready to be able to grieve, I will. I just can't right now, I don't think I can handle it right this moment, while I'm still cramping and bleeding and wanting to just eat Raisin Bran.

And that's messed up, too. Every morning when I'd have my Raisin Bran, I'd pat the little firm place on my lower belly, and tell Juniper how Mommy was eating healthy just for him. And then I'd snort at myself for talking to a fetus who couldn't hear me yet. Eating Raisin Bran today just wasn't the same.

Because the remains of what had been inside my womb passed into my hands while I sat on a toilet in triage, and basically looked like a 3-4 inch, cylindrical mass of bloody grey and red tissue, I don't actually know what gender Juniper had been. I still feel like it was a boy, and had a name picked out for him: Samuel Alexander. I love those names, and now I can never use them. Even if I get pregnant again someday and have a boy, I feel like I already had a child who bore those names, as stupid as that might sound. When I wrote online, I called my baby Juniper; in the privacy of my home and in my thoughts, I called him Sam. So how could I have another Sam?

This entry is as disjointed as my thoughts. I guess that's appropriate.


Jen said...

Oh, Kim. I am so sorry. It's just wrong and unfair.

R said...

Words can't describe how sorry I am of your loss.

bleu said...

Not disjointed at all, it made so much sense. I too had seen the heart beat and had all the correct milestones, with both of my m/c's. My first I began bleeding, my last it was found on an u/s and it had happened almost 2 weeks prior. I caught the mass on the first and saved it way too long until I finally buried it. I still have soil from that day on my alter. We differ in that the names I pick are for the children I will raise, so Bliss was Bliss until he was born and in arms. Now Soul is Soul until in arms, regardless. But I get how you feel as you do soooo much.
I wish I could make this ok for you. It is a heartbreak no one should ever know.
I just want you to know I am here and I care and I am so sorry.

Navigating The Rapids said...

I'm so sorry Kim. For the life of me I'll never understand why this happens.

Anonymous said...

oh honey. Sending you so much love. SO much.

Deena said...

My sincerest condolences...I am so sorry and it's so hard to understand WHY.
I went thru the same thing last October, had seen the baby at 6 weeks and all was well, then went in at 10 weeks and the baby had died a week before. It was one of the hardest times of my life. It breaks my heart because I know what you are going thru.
Take time to grieve, cry, scream, get it all out.
Sending prayers your way. I wish I could make it better.

Me said...

My body has been covered in gooseflesh since I saw the title of this post. Oh Kim I'm so very sorry. More sorry than pathetic little words can express. I've been sitting here with my eyes close for the last minute or so trying to think of something - ANYthing to say to comfort you but I just don't know what that could possibly be. I am so very, very sorry Kim. This is not fair.

megan said...

i'm so, so sorry.

lltanderson said...

i'm so very sorry for the loss of your little baby, kim.

Carrie said...

I'm so sorry. I can relate to your post. I think it is very connected. This is an awful thing to go through. Truly awful.

Thinking of you xx

Mrs.X said...

I am so incredibly sorry that you have to experience this. It is made even worse by how hard you worked to conceive this child. I know that you will eventually have peace - I have it finally after almost a year. Be kind to yourself in these hard days.

JJ said...

Im so very sorry for your loss...

Searching said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss.

AwkwardMoments said...

I am so sorry or your heartache

Briar said...

Cali sent me over. My first baby died between 8 and 9 weeks, also. We couldn't use his name when I got pregnant again. I know how you feel. I am so, so sorry.

HereWeGoAJen said...

I'm so sorry. I will pray for you and your Sam.

sharah said...

Here from Creating Motherhood -- I'm so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry sweetheart :( Thinking of you *hugs*

Pamela T. said...

I learned of your devastating news on Mel's Lost& Found. I so terribly sorry for your loss and the confusion that you're feeling. You're in my thoughts and prayers ...

Babe* said...


Aunt Becky said...

I came over via Cali's digs, and I wanted to tell you that I am so very sorry.

I wish I could reach out through your computer and give you a big hug.

Vanessa said...

I was lead to your blog through the lost and found newsletter.

As I read your recent post, tears come to my eyes. Im so sorry that you lost your little sam. I know you must be devastated and nothing I say will change that, but know that your in my prayers.

Maria said...

I am so very sorry for the loss of your little Sam. Just know that I'm thing about you and praying for your heart to heal.

I_Sell_Books said...

Oh, I'm so, so sorry for your loss.

Sunny said...

I am so very sorry! HUGS!

Shelli said...

I am SO sorry for you loss. It's SO unfair.

starrhillgirl said...

Hey, girl. I'm thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Kim I am so very sorry. Be gentle with you.

Kc from FF

Dee said...

I am so so sorry for your loss. I understand the pain you are going through, and all i can do is offer my love and my support.

Hugs for you

lothyn said...

I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

So, so sorry. Words cannot express. So sorry.

Pepper said...

Everything you said made perfect sense to me. I'm so very sorry your little Samuel Alexander is gone.

Anonymous said...

so sorry for your loss

Bea said...

I'm so sorry.

I understand how you could never have another Sam.


Unknown said...

Kim, I am so very, very sorry. Sara is right - there really are no words.

It is so unfair. There is no rhyme or reason when it happens. Having had a loss myself, I know what you are going through. The grief is all-encompassing. My heart goes out to you in so many ways. I know there is nothing we can say right now to make it better except that we are sorry. I am sure you will need to grieve and cry and mourn until you are ready to come back for air. In the meantime, we'll all be thinking of you and supporting you.

And even though it does not feel like it, you will get through this.

I am so sorry.

Tanya said...

what a bitter, bitter disappointment. it's all so unfair and sad. i totally know what you mean about names. here's one more person carrying you in her thoughts.

Joy said...

I didn't find it disjointed at all. Just painfully raw and honest.

I had names for my first two babies picked out as well. my husband wasn't on board, but it didn't matter. In my head, I called them that. I thought both of them were boys, even though I'll never know. And I'll never use those names again because I already have babies with those names.

I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss.

AJ said...

I am so sorry to hear that. just know all of our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Tina / Anxious Changer said...

I am so, so sorry. There are no words. Wishing you some peace as you go through this...there are many of us here for you.


Barb said...

It's not stupid AT ALL. He is your baby, and if that's the name you gave him, then that's his name. If you choose to name another little boy Sam, then it would be an honor to his memory, but if you didn't, that's ok too. You have every right in the world to grieve in any way you need.

So much hugs and warm thoughts.

Steph said...

I am so sorry Kim.

SC said...

*hugs* sending you support and love. This is so fucking unfair.

Meghan said...

Coming here from the Lost and Found. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I'll keep your family, including little Sam, in my thoughts and prayers

gypsygrrl said...

cali sent me over...
i am so very sorry. there arent words i can add to everyone elses - just know you are held in thoughts and prayers and we are here to listen to you and just sit quietly if thats what you need.

much love,

BOOM said...

I'm completely at a loss for words and crushed for you :( I absolutely canNOT believe this has happened to such a wonderful person :( Please take care of yourself... thinking of you - in shock :(


Anonymous said...

Kim, this is the first time I have come across your blog & my heart is filled with such sadness for you. I have been where you are, seen the heartbeat, patted the belly, thought the thoughts. I named both my babies and will never use those names again.

You are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna try and give you a call again today (Wednesday). Want me to take you out and get you drunk? Not sure if that's what you might want but it sure as hell sounds like a great idea to me.

Amanda said...

Oh Kim, i am so incredibly sorry...
i wish i knew what to say, other than sending you love and strength as a complete stranger whose heart goes out to you.

Catherine said...


This is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for your loss. Know that you are loved and you're in my thoughts and prayers.

If there's anything I can do for you don't hesitate to ask.

With love,

neko and the crocodile said...

Kim I was directed to you from Cali's site. We send you love and many warm thoughts while you mourn. We mourn with you.

Familyofthree said...

I am so so very sorry for the loss of Sam. So very sorry.

Karen said...

I'm so so sorry, Kim. Please know you're in my thoughts. (((Hugs)))