Wednesday, January 02, 2008

10 weeks today

Hi, my name is Kim, and I'm 10 weeks pregnant today. (Hi, Kim!) I have always been interested in pregnancy & childbirth, and actually considered becoming a midwife when I was younger. But even with all the books, films and websites I've devoured, there are some things that people just don't tell you. I never knew that:

  • By 4.5 w, my breasts would hurt enough that one night I seriously wondered if I could convince my doctor that I didn't need them (and would he please cut them off?). Books describe this as "breast tenderness" or "soreness". The books lie. Soreness is not the same as agonizing pain. Thankfully, though, the seriously horrible pain only lasted about a month. They're still tender (hah!), but not Freddie-Krueger-is-slashing-me painful.
  • By 7-8w, I would already have gone up a cup size. I guess that explains the tit agony, eh? And considering I was already a D cup, I'm really afraid to see what will happen as this pregnancy progresses.
  • Being out of breath was normal for early pregnancy. Everyone assumes that hugely pregnant women might have trouble breathing because they have a big ole baby taking up their whole torso, but it seriously freaked me out to find myself panting slightly after a bit of mild exercise in my 1st trimester.
  • My stomach would turn into an unstoppable machine so early. I'm not having morning sickness or anything like that, but I have the opposite problem: I seriously cannot stop eating and grazing and snacking. Luckily, even with all this extra eating, I've only gained 1.5 pounds. And I've been conscious of my eating, and trying to make good/better food choices. Oh, and because I'm drinking so much water, I don't eat as much at each "meal". But I know that I seriously need to get ultra-vigilant about my intake, and be careful. I'm already carrying enough extra weight to equal an anorexic teenager, and there's a history of diabetes in my family.
  • Relaxin production actually peaks in the first trimester, so it's not my imagination that my lower body feels weird and loose. I'm very aware of my pelvis and hips, as I have pins in both hips and a plate in one as a result of 4 adolescent surgeries. Anything different down there, especially anything that causes discomfort, and I notice it.
  • "Fatigue" could equal complete debilitating exhaustion. Where you must nap or kill. Have you noticed I talk about naps a lot? Those of you who call me on the phone, have you noticed that if you call between 1-3pm, there's a good chance I'm napping? That's when I hit the wall, so to speak.
I could probably think of more, but it's after 7pm and dinnertime, and my stomach demands to be filled again.


R said...

Hi Kim!! :)
Thanks for sharing the 'truth" about what happens!! :)
Can't wait to find out too!! Excited to follow in your journey through 2008 and your new little one :)

Anonymous said...

Happy 10 weeks!!

bleu said...

The relaxin is a trip. I cannot imagine how scary it would be with pins and plates. I remember my hips got so loose they started slipping out of joint at one point. I always said it was like I became a walking marionette.
Good luck and congrats.