Thursday, October 19, 2006

Humpday Humpable: Ewan McGregor

This week's (belated) Humpday Humpable is a shameless shout-out to my best gal-pal, who just happens to have a thing for Ewan McGregor. So, C, this one is for you!

I have to say, she has mighty fine taste. This is an excellent specimen for exploitation, er, a nice looking bloke. Welcome, Ewan, to the growing ranks of Humpday Humpables!

I must admit, I can think of worse ways to waste time at work, than finding hunky guys on the internet!


Anonymous said...

I must admit, I have that humpty thing for him too!

Anonymous said...

OMG. That is an excellent picture and now I'm using is as my desktop wallpaper for awhile. yum! CLC I