Monday, October 09, 2006

Family Daze

That's right, I'm full of sweet chocolaty family goodness right now, and I hope it's enough to carry me through until Christmas!  Like so many people, I have Family Issues; that is, with my blood relatives.  With the exception of my mother, grandfather, and one or two cousins, it really wouldn't matter that much if the rest of my family disappeared from the face of the earth.
My friend-family, the family I've made for myself, is another thing entirely.  What a wonderful feeling, knowing you are loved and accepted just as you are (Great Bridget Jones' ghost!).  That there are people who know your flaws and faults, but love you for them, rather than despite them.  And I have spent the weekend with some of the most important of those people.  Ahhh, the sweet, sweet feeling, almost as good as chocolate.  And those are some strong words coming from me, believe me.
Anyway, I can't think of anything better to keep in mind as I get ready to head off for my HSG.  Happy thoughts and lots of love.  I'm trying, anyway, even though there's a strange ache in my belly that fears the worse.

1 comment:

charlotte said...

Hey, more news please about the extra lovin' for your oven.