Monday, October 16, 2006

Bad dreamtime(s)

I had the most horrible dream last night. I dreamt that a ultra-secret government agency (you know, the kind that don't officially exist) drugged and kidnapped me, and removed my fallopian tubes and ovaries. Apparently there was a fear that if I ever reproduced, my child would be some kind of universal super-being. A bit of a mix of the Kwisatz Haderach and Superman, or some such. It seems that it was too much of a risk for the government to allow, that I might produce this uber-kind, and s/he wouldn't be under their control.

I woke up from my drug-induced coma to find myself in pain, and with surgical incisions along my abdomin. After two days of uncontrollable weeping, I turned into an icy automaton, and announced that "They" had taken my life, my future, and ended my bloodline, and that I was dead inside. Then, I started a bloody killing-spree, tracking down the ones who'd hurt me. Throughout the vengeance-stalk, I was completely emotionless. It was just something that needed to be done. Or, as we sometimes say in the South, "He just needed killin'."

I've been having a lot of weird violent dreams lately, and most of them have dealt with issues of vengeance, getting back at someone who's wronged me. Now, I don't mind the justice issues, but I can't help but wonder if it always has to be so Technicolor Crimson. And I would really prefer not to have sympathy twinges from my girly bits today, as if they're reminding me that they're still there.

Ehhhh, maybe I need to start drinking more.

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