Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Slobfest '07

Exactly two weeks ago, the sale of the property where I worked closed, and I became unemployed. It was amazingly easy to just walk out of the door at the end of day, but that was probably because I'd been emotionally distancing myself from the situation for a while, knowing that it was coming. I apologize for that horrible run-on sentence, by the way.

Since Wednesday two weeks ago, I have been involved in what I call Slobfest '07. I'm sleeping late for the first time in ages, staying up all night reading if I want, and watching a million DVDs. The really scary thing is that I'm discovering how much I'd like to stay in Slobovia. Where is that damned winning P*werball ticket when you need it?!?

Though it's been really nice taking this vacation where I don't have to rush to fulfill my usual anal-retentive, packed full schedule of museums, parks, and historical sites, I know it can't last forever. Next week I have to start the job hunt, which is going to be a bitch. The job market is so poor that I'll be lucky if I can get a job at a burger joint as the french-fry girl. No, I take that back: I'll be lucky if I can become ASSISTANT french-fry girl. But I'll freak out about that later; right now I still have a few more glorious days in Slobovia.


As I'm sure you've figured, since I haven't posted a giant pregnancy announcement, last cycle was another bust. With everything going on in my life and in my head, I decided to take a break cycle from all the stress of TTC. No drugs, no u/s, not even opks. I'm just going with the flow this cycle, and dealing with the OTHER parts of my life that don't have anything to do with my reproductive organs. So, today is day 7 of Break Cycle '07.


Anonymous said...

{{{{{Kim}}}}} I've been checking your blog every day for an update. *Thank you* for letting us know that you're ok and on a short sabbatical to Slobovia. :-)


battynurse said...

sorry about the job loss but glad you are enjoying slobfest. Sounds like a lot of fun actually.

Anonymous said...

A break is nice sometimes!

I would love to join you in not working... took a 12 day break and grew to love it!