Thursday, August 17, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my birthday, the day I turn the big 36.  Yep, another birthday down, another step closer to the grave.  Okay, I’m really not upset about it anymore; it’s here, I’m over it.  Actually, I’m pretty excited, but not about the B-day.  I had a shipment of books arrive from Amazon this morning, so I’m pretty stoked.  Not only did I take the day off work, and have lunch with my best friend, but I get to slob around and read new books.  Yummmm.



Tomorrow is my friend Shel’s birthday, and since we have birthdays one day apart, we used to celebrate “Birthday Weekend.”  Back when we were young, and both our livers and personalities were more courageous, we would party hard for two straight days, celebrating.  Now, we might get together and share a bottle of wine, and talk about how exciting we used to live before we got “old.”  I don’t regret it, though—the growing up—because there are a lot of advantages to being my age, than being 24, broke, and living from one self-induced drama to the next.



Here’s my horoscope for today: The stars say that collaborative projects are winners. Even your most heartfelt project will improve when a few other concerned and talented individuals have a say. Be open to their suggestions.



Huh.  So maybe I should get some suggestions from writer friends about my latest project…

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