Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nasty heifers...

… are in my office everyday.  For the second time this week (and come on, it's only Wednesday), I've been in the toilet and heard someone leave their stall, and walk out without washing their hands.  I just wished that I hadn't gone into a stall yet, so I could see just who the women are that leave with pee-hands.  That way I'd know whose little homemade treats to avoid, know what I mean?  People are always bringing in muffins or cookies or things to share with the office, and I shudder to think of eating pee-cookies.


Okay, yeah, the pee ladies at least get a squirt of hand-sanitizer (there's a dispenser just as you walk out of the toilet and it makes a distinct sound), but I still feel icked out about people not washing their hands after using the facilities.  I think of the sanitizer as an added bonus for paranoid people like me, not as a substitute for kindergarten-level hygiene.


And people wonder why I get so weird about things like washing up before preparing food (and then washing again after touching different types of food), or not letting people use my phone, or things like that. Some people are gross!


battynurse said...

Yup that's gross. Post a sign by the hand sanitizer that says the CDC recommends washing with soap and water after using the facilities, not just a hand sanitizer.

Anonymous said...

I am a microbiologist and will not wash my hands in a public restroom. Wetting your hands makes things grow. You only get off about 30% of the germs when you wash with soap and hot water for a full minute. If you leave the bathroom without washing you can be in better shape if you have touched virtually nothing in there. Push in with a shoulder and open on stall. Don't lock it. Hover. Touch only end of TP. Flush with foot. Walk out opening door with shoulder and you are WAY better off than people who have touched things.

Tanya said...

There is no substitution for hand washing. I'm not about to hover, not touch anything, etc. but I'm darned well going to wash my hands before I head out. Hand sanitizer? That's fine but really NOT good enough. I use it in a pinch (changed the boy the other day and didn't have access to a sink but I found one as soon as I could)

Yeah, just call me obsessive hand washer... like at least 20 times a day. My day goes something like this:

get up, pee, wash
let dog out, feed dog, wash
get baby up, change baby, wash
make baby breakfast, wash
feed baby, wash

yeah that's 5 times before I leave for work...

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine using a public facility and not washing your hands ESPECIALLY after using the bathroom.

Oh and I hate people who hover over the toilets. You know the ones that leave urine ALL OVER THE SEAT and don't clean it up. That's in the same category as not washing your hands...NASTY!

Me said...

I love the title of this post!