Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cd20 and randomness

I am playing catchup tonight for NCLM; I felt so yucky last night that there was no way I could sit and read blogs and try to make sense of anything. So, you get a craptastic post from me because I really need to go and read what you’re writing and do double-duty on my commenting.

I’ve had two days of positive opks (Tuesday & Wednesday), and last night I revisited the horrific pain of clomid-induced ovulation. Actually, I think my ovaries were flipping themselves inside out in protest of the work being forced upon them. Or maybe they were playing jump rope with my fallopian tubes (Double dutch? Count me in!). At least, that’s what it felt like. Hell, who am I kidding? I’m still feeling it, at least a little bit.

Today is cd20, I’ve been spermed up, and now there’s just the wait. I really haven’t missed this part, the interminable two week wait.


Okay, I can’t get this freaking song out of my head. Partly because it’s just a kick-ass song. But part of it, I know, is sweet reminiscing about the first time I kissed a girl. I went through months of agonizing about whether or not I was a lesbian because I really liked it. A lot. But I really liked boys, too, so what the hell?!? It ain’t easy to be 17 and trying to figure out your sexual identity, especially when you realize that you don’t squarely fit into either camp.


battynurse said...

Good luck with the TWW. 17 is hard no matter what since everything is about fitting in.

Hope said...

Sorry bout the ovulation pain, goooood luck in your TWW

bleu said...

So excited you are finally back in a 2ww!!!!!!!!! If I remember correctly the last time, when it worked, you had an ovulation from hell too. Sending lots of love your way.

At 17 I loved kissing boys and refused to kiss a girl, any girl. Sad part was I was so afraid I would like it I refused to try it for many more years. SUCH a waste.

Catherine said...

Best of luck in your 2ww! I'm wishing for the best for you. And I selfishly want a little playmate for the Flutterbug. :D

Thanks for the blast from the past! By the time that song came out, I had finally figured out that (for me) girls and boys were both quite fun to kiss!

Anonymous said...

ooooh! a 2ww!
sending mojo your way.
make it work!

VA Blondie said...

Good luck with the 2ww. I hope it flies by for you!

Anonymous said...

Here from NCLM - boy Clomid sounds like a party (not!) Good luck in your 2ww. HOpefully you have lots of absorbing tasks to do to keep your mind off ... maybe reading blogs?