Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mind the gap!

With everything that's been going on at work lately, I am completely stoked about my upcoming vacation to Scotland & England. Okay, so I would have been stoked anyway, seeing as I'm totally enthralled with the UK, but getting to go back PLUS the added benefit of getting away from work.... beautiful!

I just keep repeating my mantra: I just have to make it to the end of March... end of March... end of March. Of course, I'm also jaded (and paranoid) enough to think that, with my luck, I'll end up getting "let go" just before my trip. "Oh, I hope you have a nice vacation. By the way, why don't you clean out your desk before you go, hmm?"

In the spirit of my coming holiday, I've been watching clips of a Scots comedian on Youtube this morning, defiantly wasting time at work before New Boss arrives. His name is Danny Bhoy, and the following goes out to CC, Martha, and Van Diver, in remembrance of our time around the fire pit:



1 comment:

Demeter said...

Your vacation sounds fabulous. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Hopefully nothing will happen in your job!